john luka

SPECIAL RING 22 EVENT: Mini-Lecture with JOHN LUKA and Club Meeting featuring MARK LUEDTKE!

You’ve waited for it, and it’s finally here - RING 22’s biggest and baddest meeting of the year, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022, at 7:15 PM EDT (at the TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI).  

This is a special  “TWO FOR ONE” event - a RARE and FREE MINI-LECTURE presented by Michigan’s legendary JOHN LUKA, as well as a CLUB MEETING spotlighting the wonderful and entertaining magic of MARK LUEDTKE (the man who packs plenty of magic wherever he goes)!  During the lecture portion of this meeting, JOHN LUKA will make sure to perform and explain some of his favorite effects (and items will be available for purchase afterwards, for those interested).  Of course, we’ll make time to feature YOU and YOUR MAGIC, and there’s always plenty of fun and mayhem to share with your friends at RING 22!  

Although magic is always best IN-PERSON, our combination FREE MINI-LECTURE and CLUB MEETING will be simulcast online for those in far away places.  Please join us for what promises to be a terrific FIRST-TIME-EVER event - the ONE you cannot miss!   Remember, we’re more than a monthly meeting, we’re a monthly WHIRLWIND of MAGIC, and YOU make it all happen!  No excuses - MARK THE DATE and SEE YOU THERE - guests are welcome!

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022, 7:15 PM EDT!
Online participants, CLICK the link below and REGISTER for this event:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the meeting.

We’re counting on seeing YOU on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022, at 7:15 PM EDT! SUPPORT RING 22 and MAGIC in our community!  Guests are ALWAYS welcome!

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