Don’t forget the RING 22 annual SUPER SWAP MEET & SESSION PARTY, now only TWO DAYS AWAY (on TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2023, 7:15 PM at the SPIRIT OF CHRIST/TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI). This is a great chance for YOU to buy, sell, trade, or donate those magic items you’re no longer using, and it doesn’t matter if it’s just one or one hundred items, big, small, or even in between! Clean out those closets and take advantage of the best deal in town!
We’ll also be spotlighting our special guest from Florida - well-known magician and longtime friend of our club, MARV LONG, and we’ve arranged for plenty of convenient ONE-ON-ONE SESSION TIME among friends! Of course, you always have a chance to perform on our WIDE-OPEN STAGE, not to mention a surprise or two at every meeting! Remember, we’re more than a monthly meeting, we’re a monthly SHINDIG OF SENSATIONAL MAGIC!
CLUB MEMBERS are ENCOURAGED to bring in whatever magic items (from 1-1000!) you’re no longer using (books, gadgets, videos, keepsakes, or whatever) to BUY, SELL, TRADE, SWAP, or DONATE to others. Tables will be provided for our members at no charge - all profits are yours to keep! Although SALES are limited to club members only, EVERYONE (including non-members and guests) are welcome to attend the meeting and purchase that gift of magic you’ve always been searching for! Please take advantage of this golden opportunity!!
EXCLUSIVE MAGIC LECTURE featuring the amazing FENIK (Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023)!
Save the date! RING 22 is proud to be hosting another very special and EXCLUSIVE in-person magic lecture, featuring the INTERNATIONALLY-KNOWN magician FENIK (Alfredo Ruiz Coughanour). Visiting us directly from The MAGIC CASTLE on his way to Chicago’s MAGIC LOUNGE, FENIK has never been in the Greater Detroit area before and we hope EVERYONE will attend this lecture - if you haven’t seen him before, this is an event you definitely cannot miss - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2023, at 2 PM! Admission at the door is only $10 for ANY and ALL IBM RING and S-A-M members, $20 for guests. Please tell your friends about this one and be an active part of our magic community!
GRAND RAPIDS RING 211 CLOSE-UP COMPETITION (Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023)!
This competition is open to everyone and prizes will be awarded ($100 - $50 - $25). For info, contact,
For those of you who have not yet volunteered, RING 22 has been asked to supply magical entertainment at TEMPLE ISRAEL’s Labor Day Family Festival, from 10:30 AM - 2 PM, on Monday, September 4, 2023 (5725 Walnut Lake Rd, West Bloomfield Township, MI 48323). Volunteer performers (that’s YOU!) can present your magic for friendly crowds (large or small) - for any length of time at their beautiful synagogue grounds and facility (generally outdoors, weather permitting). Your family members and guests are welcome - EVERYTHING is FREE and FUN for the ENTIRE FAMILY! In addition to magic, there’s food, pony rides, games, music, bounce houses, and a wonderful time. RING 22 will receive a substantial financial donation for our participation and your help will be greatly appreciated! IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It’s always fun performing magic just the way you like it!
We’re counting on seeing YOU on TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2023, at 7:15 PM! Guests are ALWAYS welcome!