APRIL 16, 2024 Monthly Club Meeting!

If you’ve NEVER been to the famous MAGIC CASTLE in Hollywood, CA, you’re in luck - RING 22 is literally bringing the world’s most prestigious magic venue to Clawson, MI at our next club meeting (on TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2024, 7:15 PM EDT, at the Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI 48017)!    How is this possible?   At our meeting we will be spotlighting not one BUT TWO magic acts recently presented at the CASTLE by two of our youngest superstars of magic, DREYGON HIBBLER and FERRAN POAGE.  Best of all, they’ll even teach/share/tip a routine or two used in their very successful CASTLE performances!  Can we possibly top that?  YES WE CAN!  We’re also presenting an encore activity that’s always a big hit - our CORNUCOPIA CARNIVAL of CREATIVE MAGIC!  You will all be challenged using a handful of everyday household objects - working in groups, your task is to CREATE AND PERFORM the most entertaining magic possible - funny, serious, or whatever style and effect you and your friends come up with - ANYTHING GOES!  Don’t worry, we’ll still have time for YOU to present your latest magic adventure, and there’s always our AFTERGLOW at the nearby HIDEOUT!  And why are we doing all of this?  Because we’re more than a monthly meeting, we’re a monthly CABAL of MAGICAL CELEBRATION, and YOU are the MAGICAL INGREDIENT that makes it all possible!  MARK YOUR CALENDAR and SAVE THE DATE, but please…DON’T MISS THIS ONE!  GUESTS are always WELCOME! 

TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2024, 7:15 PM EDT!
Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI 48017


Michigan Magic Day (hosted by FAB MAGIC and Grand Rapids RING 211), April 5-6, 2024.  Visit https://michiganmagicfest.com/ for more info.

Ed Ellis Lecture (hosted by Toledo RING 68), Thursday, April 11, 2024, 6:45 PM (Maumee Elk’s lodge 129 W. Wayne St Maumee OH 43537).  Free for all IBM members, guests $10 cash payable at the door.

Wonderbash (hosted by TRINO), April 18-20, 2024.  Visit https://www.morethantricks.com/ for more info.

Magic Soiree (with KEITH and LADY SARAH FIELDS), most Fridays and Saturdays.  Visit https://themagicsoiree.com/ for more info.

Dinner and Magic (with RICK RAIMONDO and JOHNNY NEW YORK), May 11, 2024, 6 PM
Contact RICK (586.731.1398) for info and tickets.



Nate Kranzo Lecture at our TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 CLUB MEETING at 7:30 PM.  This lecture is open to everyone (FREE for RING 22 club members, $10 donations suggested for non-members and guests).

Nick Diffatte Lecture (hosted by the Ann Arbor RING 210), June 15, 2024, Diamond Back Music Hall, Belleville, MI ($20 admission for everyone).

IBM Annual Convention (hosted by IBM), July 10-13, 2024.  Visit https://www.magician.org/convention for more info.


Former club member and longtime supporter of magic, KEN COOK, unfortunately passed away recently.  A Broken Wand Ceremony will be presented just before his funeral service on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 10 PM (Christ Our Light Catholic Church, 3077 Glouchester Dr, Troy, MI 48084).  All friends are welcome to attend.

Hope to see YOU at our APRIL 16th, 2024 club meeting!