RING 22 has many talented and dedicated club members - one of whom is our own MARV LONG! An outstanding magician and creator of magic for many years, Marv was a longtime resident in the greater-Detroit area before migrating to Florida. Now, even from afar, he manages to stay very connected to RING 22, and we're glad he's on board! Recently (around our last winter holiday season), Marv officially published his latest magic effort, an Ebook entitled "RIFFLE DEEPER" - a completely different handling of a classic card move (often overlooked) as well as a dozen strong card effects that have been "field and battle" tested. This isn't "move monkey" stuff, but rather, the kind of magic everyone will want to use in their repertory. Best of all, several club members were involved in Marv's exciting project (Norm Cattell, Paul North, John Luka, Tom Mosier, and yours truly). the book is available for purchase from Penguin Magic (https://www.penguinmagic.com/p/16808). For those unfamiliar with the book, be sure to check it out soon!